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Spiritual beings in a spiritual world?

Have you watched “The Listener” or “The Ghost Whisperer”?

What’s your concept of the spiritual?

What’s behind the seemingly unreasonable anger that we see all around us almost every day?

The book of Job, in the Bible, begins with the curtain being pulled back and a little bit of the spiritual world being exposed. God is presiding over his council meeting and Satan walks in. The question God asks him is a simple one: “Where have you come from?” The answer comes back quickly, “From roaming through the earth and going to and fro in it”.

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Dog lovers may not understand!

Imagine sitting with two friends by the side of the river. It’s Saturday lunchtime and you are enjoying the sunshine. Suddenly one of your friends says “it’s taken my sandwich”.

The friend had been laying on his side on the blanket, holding the sandwich in his right hand and because you had all been talking, his hand had been loosely by his side. Looking across to your friend you see a small Jack Russell terrier behind him. The dog had stolen

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